The shareholders' contribution to Urban Zero

GEBAG – On a mission for Duisburg

„Today, the requirements of climate and environmental protection are essential framework conditions for project developers and property owners. Urban Zero gives us the opportunity to gain insights into specific measures in many, many local projects that we can then transfer to other neighborhoods.“ – Bernd Wortmeyer, CEO GEBAG

Zur Website

Haniel – Urban Zero makes Ruhrort enkelfähig

Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH manages a portfolio of independent companies with the aim of creating value for generations as Europe's leading purpose-driven investor. The company is 100 per cent family-owned and has been based in Ruhrort since its foundation in 1756. Haniel has always lived up to its responsibility towards its location. With Urban Zero, Haniel is taking this commitment to an even higher level and making it possible to experience enkelfähig in Ruhrort.


GREENZERO – Acting collectively in an environmentally neutral way

Under the roof of GREENZERO GmbH, the companies GREENZERO AX, Innovation City Management, GREENZERO DX and HeimatERBE cover various competences within the sustainability sector - from life cycle assessment, reduction consulting and compensation of negative environmental impacts to multimedia sustainability and change communication.

We work in a close network and pursue a collaborative approach: we call it ‘Acting collectively in an environmentally neutral way’. What makes it special: In addition to climate change, we focus on other environmental impacts - soil acidification, summer smog and the depletion of the ozone layer, for example. This means we go much further than conventional concepts. We provide you with the basis for a sustainability strategy that works.

We help people, companies and local authorities to act in an environmentally neutral way. We help you to analyse your environmental impact, reduce it efficiently and quickly and offset the remaining environmental costs. Holistically, transparently and effectively. Our goal: the green zero - simply GREENZERO.

The GREENZERO approach harmonizes ecology and economy and thus creates sustainability. For your company and for society. Acting together in an environmentally neutral way is ambitious - but necessary and feasible.


duisport – Coexistence of logistics and climate protection

Since 2019, the enerPort I project has been exploring which approach can be chosen for inland ports to support the transformation process in the course of the energy transition. Using the Port of Duisburg as an example, a concept is being developed that is based on data collection, concept selection, the creation of scenarios and the optimisation of energy structures and energy operations.

The basic principles developed are to be implemented and tested in the form of a pilot project at the newly planned DGT terminal at the Port of Duisburg.

„Our logistics hub in the world's largest inland port supplies the economy and population with materials and consumer goods. But a port also generates noise, other emissions and attracts lorry traffic. As part of the pioneering Urban Zero flagship project, we want to show that logistics and climate protection do not have to be opposites.“ – Markus Bangen, duisport-CEO

Housing and Living


GEBAG was founded in 1872 as "Duisburger Gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft AG" and is now one of the oldest housing associations in Germany.



Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH manages a portfolio of independent companies with the aim of creating value for generations as Europe's leading purpose-driven investor.

Connecting Knowledge


The GREENZERO approach harmonizes ecology and economy and thus creates sustainability for companies and society. Acting collectively in an environmentally neutral way - necessary and feasible.

Inland Port


The Port of Duisburg serves as a model for a concept that involves data gathering, selection of concepts, scenario development, and the optimization of energy structures and operations.
